Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

May your Christmas time be bright,
from the moment it starts,
With many wonderful things,
that brings joy to your heart,
And may each day, throughout the year,
Bring even more gladness and cheer,

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Important Notice

Important Notice


December 23rd, 2015

Dear Residents,

Due to the good weather, construction crews will be applying the final layer of asphalt at the front of the building. As such, Visitor Parking will be closed. Access to parking at the back of the building will also be somewhat restricted.

Thank you for your cooperation. 

Property Manager: Harry Judge
Simsons Management

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Annual Year End Ball

Annual Year End Ball

You are cordially invited to join Place Royale Board of Directors
for our first Annual Year End Ball

Sunday, December 20th
5:00pm – 9:30pm
Place Royale Party Room

5:00 – 6:00 Meet and Greet
6:00 – 6:09 President’s Address/Update
6:10 – 6:15 Lifetime Achievement Awards
6:15 – 6:20 Welcome to new Suite Owners
6:30 – Food, Music and Entertainment

Place Royale Board of Directors (PRBOD)
Dev, Val, Danielle, Manny, Mohammed
Dress Code - Semi-Formal

Newsletter Update 18B

Newsletter Update 18B

Garage Repair progress report

- Waterproofing - completed
- Construction of Sidewalk from Visitor Parking to front Entrance - completed
- Construction of Sidewalk East Side to main entrance - completed
- Catch Basins in Visitor Parking (Four) - dug out and repaired
- First layer of asphalt - applied

- Second layer of asphalt will be laid in May 2016
- Ongoing - Construction of the Circle at the front of the building will continue (Dependant on Weather)
- Stone Interlocking work will continue until completed (Dependant on Weather)

Crews will continue to work late into the evening, 7 days a week, in order to finish the project.

Updates will be posted as progress is made.  

Place Royale Board of Directors thanks all residents for their continued support in improving our property. Thank you.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Newsletter Update 18A

Newsletter Update 18A

Garage Repair progress report



- Friday 27th November - Prepare deck for Asphalt (Paving)
- Saturday 28th November - Form the sidewalk
- Sunday 29th November - Start backfilling the deck
- Monday 30th November - Pour concrete for sidewalk
- Tuesday 01st December - Start Paving 
- Friday 04th December - Inspection
- Saturday 05th December - Stone Interlocking
- Sunday 06th December - Stone Interlocking
- Monday 07th - Friday 11th December - Complete all paving and sidewalk

Crews will be working non-stop 7 days a week in order to finish the project. They are expected to work late into the evening and flood lights will be provided if needed.


Access to the Visitor Parking and Parking behind the building will be restricted at times. Residents parking at the back will be able to park in Visitors' parking without a permit during the paving.

Updates will be posted as progress is made.  

Place Royale Board of Directors thanks all residents for their continued support in improving our property. Thank you.

Friday, November 06, 2015

Newsletter Update 18

Newsletter Update 18

Garage Repair progress report


The Structural Engineers CION has examined the deck and approved the installation of the waterproofing.


- Saturday 07th October - Grind the deck
- Sunday 08th October - Grind the deck and prepare for waterproofing
- Monday 09th October - Inspection and installation of waterproofing
- Tuesday 10th - Thursday 12th October - Installation of waterproofing
- Friday 13th October - Inspection
- Sunday 15th October - Completion of membrane and final inspection (weather permitting)

The Waterproofing Crew will be working for 10 days non-stop in order to finish the project. They are expected to work late into the evening and flood lights will be provided if needed.


Access to the Visitor Parking and Parking behind the building will be restricted in order to complete the waterproofing. Residents parking at the back will be able to park in Visitors' Parking without a permit during the waterproofing.

Updates will be posted as information becomes available.  

Place Royale Board of Directors thanks all residents for their continued support in improving our property. Thank you.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

2016 Condo Fees

2016 Condo Fees

2016 Condo Fees
Effective January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016

Dear Owners:

Place Royale Board of Directors has worked diligently to ensure that the First Phase of the Garage repairs be completed without any financial hardship to the residents. This being said, many residents are very concerned about whether condo-fees will be going up due to these repairs and by how much. It is with this concern in mind that Place Royale Board of Directors has decided to release the budget information a little earlier this year.

With our growing reserves and careful consideration of projected costs, Place Royale Board of Directors has decided to keep Condo Fees at Zero Percent for a Third Year in a row. The 2016 Budget package will be available for pick up at Security on November 07th 2015.

NOTE: With our major operating costs being Hydro, Heat (Gas) and Water: Place Royale Board of Directors would like residents to understand that your ability to reduce wastage will impact on our ability to maintain our current zero percent increase.

Happy Holiday Season and a bright and prosperous New Year!


Dev Maharaj
President Board of Directors

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Important Notice

Important Notice

Unregistered Bicycle Removal

This is to inform all residents that the removal of derelict and unregistered bicycles has started. Bicycles that are not parked in a proper parking spot pose a hazard to drivers. If you have a bicycle parked in the building please check to see whether it is registered and whether the bicycle is parked properly. 

Your cooperation is very much appreciated.

Thank you.

Property Manager: Harry Judge
Simsons Management

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving, or Thanksgiving Day is an annual Canadian holiday, occurring on the second Monday in October, which celebrates the harvest and other blessings of the past year. On January 31, 1957, a proclamation was issued stating Thanksgiving was to be "A Day of General Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the bountiful harvest with which Canada has been blessed."

May you have a wonderful time this Thanksgiving, with friends and family.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Newsletter Update 17A

Newsletter Update 17A

Annual General Meeting

The delay in setting the date for the AGM was a result of developing a proper report on the cost of construction. As we can remember in 2013 the previous Board wanted to conduct a special assessment. This special assessment would have meant each unit paying a significant amount of money for which many residents could not afford to pay.

Now that the concrete work is 90% complete, Place Royale Board of Directors has been able to assess the cost of the project and we are pleased to inform you that there will be no burden on residents. The cost of construction will not affect the financial operations of the Corporation.

The AGM will be scheduled in October and packages will be mailed out soon.

Garage Repair progress report

- 90% of all structural work and concrete pouring on the top deck at the front of the building has been completed
- There will be one more pouring of concrete which will complete the structural and concrete work on the top slab
- The next steps will be:

Membrane application (in October)
Asphalt application (in November)
Sidewalk reforming (in November - from the front entrance to the road)   
Landscaping in the center in November - December (weather permitting)

NOISE ALERT: The use of Jack Hammers will continue in order to complete repairs

Garage Access to B2 parking

- Clean up on the B2 ramp will begin this weekend
- Once the shoring have been removed resident will be asked to park in their designated parking spots
- Notices will be posted

Automatic Doors

Accessibility automatic door openers have been added to B1 West Side and B2 West Side

The Unity Side Walk

Sidewalk will be completed by the end of September 2015

Bike Racks

Bike Racks can be installed in your parking spots; please put your name on the list. Please let the Management Office know how many bicycles you would like to park in your spot.


ZUMBA will start on September 29th from 8:30-9:15 (This is a free class; come out and participate). Please sign up at Security.

Place Royale Board of Directors thanks all residents for their continued support in improving our property. Thank you.

Saturday, September 05, 2015

Newsletter Update 17

Newsletter Update 17

Dear Residents:

It is with a great sense of pride and accomplishment that I write to you today to inform you that on Thursday 03rd September 2015 the City of Mississauga started construction of our sidewalk.

As you are aware, our building has been without a sidewalk for over 30 years. In order for the construction of the sidewalk to have become a reality, it took over a year of negotiations with the city and the signatures of over 98% of the residents in our building. Owners, who are renting their units, drove to Mississauga to give me their signed proxy and this sense of support motivated me and rest of the board to work even harder to secure the sidewalk.

This sidewalk will keep our residents safe and is a representation of unity.
As such, a President of the Board of Directors for PCC239 I hereby declare that this sidewalk be known henceforth as "The Unity Sidewalk".

On behalf of Val, Danielle, Manny and Mohammad I thank you for your continued support in making our home a great one. 

Thank you.

Dev Maharaj

President Board of Directors

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Important Notice

Important Notice

Important Notice

RE: B2 Access: Concrete Prep-work

Dear Residents,

- Access to B2 will be restricted for the next week as construction crews prepare the suspended deck to pour concrete
- Starting Monday 31st August - Friday 04th September 2015
- Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm

- Residents can park in the Visitors' Parking
- Announcements will also be made as a reminder

Your cooperation is very much appreciated.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Newsletter Update 16A

Newsletter Update 16A

Garage repairs progress report  

- Structural Engineers CION has marked out areas on the top slab to be repaired
- Contractors will start the process of removing damaged concrete and prepare the area to pour new concrete

Noise alert

- Removal of concrete requires the use of Jack Hammers which will produce loud noises

Access to B1 and B2

- Access to the B1 and B2 will be restricted for safety over the next three-four weeks
- Starting Monday 27th 2015 at 9:00am there will be limited access to B2. Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm
- Residents can park temporary in the visitors parking
- This will only be necessary when drilling is being done on the top slab
- Notices will be posted


- Residents who have been asked to park in visitors parking will be assigned temporary parking spots. A reserved sign will be placed next to the tennis court with your vehicle number displayed. Please park in your designated spot.

Place Royale Board of Directors thanks all residents for their continued support in improving our property.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Newsletter Update 16

Newsletter Update 16

Garage Repairs

Place Royale Board of Directors would like to thank our community for their patience and cooperation as the Garage repairs continue.

Progress Report

- The contractors have completed approximately 25% of the work and the project is exactly on schedule.

- Concrete slab surface in front of the building has been cleared of debris and will go through a final clean; concrete integrity will be tested.

- Structural Engineers CION will provide feedback and restoration will commence followed by application of new waterproofing membrane.

- The first area of focus will be the front entrance; more specifically the area under the canopy at the front door. During reconstruction of this area the front door will be locked for safety. Residents and visitors can access the building from the West Side door.

- The front entrance will be reserved for emergency crews only. Security personnel will be instructed to closely monitor the West Side door for unauthorized access.

- The ramp to the B2 level will be reduced to one lane only due to necessary concrete slab restoration in this area; proceed with extreme caution; speed limit 5km/h.

- Exercise caution when entering and exiting the garage as heavy equipment will be operating in the wash bay area.

NOTE: Families with small children that use strollers, persons using wheelchairs will need to be escorted by Security through the front entrance if the ramp is available; alternatively one will need to exit the building through the garage. In booth cases they will need Security escort. Please contact Security for assistance. 

Place Royale Board of Directors thank all residents for their continued support in improving our property. Thank you.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Have a bite!

Have a bite!

Have a bite at the Spring Sale!

We will be serving:

 - chicken and beef burgers (halal)
 - vegetarian burgers
 - chicken strips (halal)
 - vegetables - tomatoes, peppers, onions
 - sauces - ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, hot sauce
 - toppings - hot peppers, sauerkraut

 - spring water
 - coca cola
 - fanta orange
 - juice for kids
 - coffee

Sunday May 31st, 2015 in the BBQ area 10am - 2pm

"Meet the community!"
"Build the community!"           

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Newsletter Update 15

Newsletter Update 15

Garage Repairs

Garage repairs will start soon. The area of repair will be the front of the building. There are some parking spots in the B1 that will be affected; Management will provide Parking Permits so that those residents can park in Visitors Parking. Some vehicles parked at the back of the building will also need to park in Visitors Parking.

- Access to B2 will be reduced to one lane; speed limit is 5km/h
- Car wash area will be closed during construction
- Access to the G level from the building will be via the west exit
- Access to the front of the building will be reserved for emergencies
- The area surrounding the drains in the Visitors Parking and drains at the back of the building will be worked on as well
- Repairs are expected to end in November 2015
- No Entry: Zero access to pedestrians via the Garage Entrance on B1 during construction;
Efforts will be made to minimize obstruction during the Garage Repairs
Spring Sale
- A Spring Sale will be held on May 31st 2015. Bring your slightly used items to sell/give away/trade
- Location: Back of the Building
- Time: 10.00am - 2:00pm
- Community get together will be held in Party Room at the same time, more information will be posted on Notice Boards shortly
First Aid Training / Volunteers

- Place Royale Board of Directors will be recruiting one person from each floor to be trained in First Aid
- These individuals will become certified by St. John Ambulance
- The training will be at site
- Certified First Aider information will be posted on each floor
Please sign up at Concierge. This will be a first come first serve basis.

- Heating has been shut off by Ambient
- The A/C will be switched over on May 20th
- Fancoil Cleaning
- Fancoil Cleaning will commence once the A/C is turned on; Notices will be posted
Window Cleaning

- Window cleaning will commence shortly: kindly ensure that the wire mesh is removed prior to cleaning Cleaning dates will be posted on Notice Boards.


- The BBQ area is now open
Please see Concierge to book the BBQ
Tennis Court and Outdoor Basketball

- The tennis court has been pressure washed and is open for use
- NOTE: Activities on the tennis court is limited to 1hr per Unit; please be mindful of persons waiting to play
Automatic Garage Opener

- The building will be phasing in Automatic Garage Openers to enter the building parking
- This will start taking effect once the Sidewalk has been built
- The Automatic Openers will:
     - Increase Safety and Security
     - Reduce wear and tear to the Garage Door Motor (This motor had to be replaced recently)
     - Ensure that only cars are entering the building from this entry/exit

- Please ensure that fobs are used when entering the front of the building
- Please be vigilant and make sure that no one is following after you when you open the front door
- Security will make sure that both doors are locked whenever they are on patrol

Garbage Disposal

- There have been many reports of garbage being left on the floor of the garbage room/chute on different floors
- This is a health issue: residents are asked to report such assurances to the management office
- NOTE: one resident cut his hand while trying to push down a garbage bag that was left in the chute: be courteous to your neighbors
- If a child is throwing the garbage, make sure that the child understands the correct procedure when disposing of the waste

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Party Room Ceremony

Party Room Ceremony

Party Room Opening and Award Ceremony

Place Royale Board of Directors would like to invite all residents to a ribbon cutting ceremony for our new Party Room on February 07th 2015 at 7:00pm.

6:45 - 7:00   Guest Arrive

7:00 - 7:30   Refreshments

7:35 - 7:50   Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

7:50       Award Ceremony: Place Royale Board or Directors would like to recognize a number of
                residents who have contributed to the building and engaged in community development.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the event.
"Building the community today for a better tomorrow."