Thursday, September 15, 2022

Garage Repairs - Notice

 Garage Repairs - Notice

B1 Parking

- Vehicles in spots 1A – 52A: You can now park in your parking spots. Your area of repair is completed. Some small finishing work will be carried out; you will be updated as needed. 

- The entire area is now new. Any vehicle with engine oil leaks should not be parked in the parking spot until the necessary repairs are made. 

- Damage to the waterproofing will be repaired and charged back to the unit. 

B2 Parking

- Residents with parking in the B2 should continue to park in their spots.

- Once repairs are complete on the B1; pressure washing, line painting and wall painting will begin in the B2. At that point a notice will be sent out to remove your cars based on the required areas.

Thank you for your cooperation during the repairs and your support in improving our building.

For and on behalf of PCC 239,
Simsons Management