Sunday, August 31, 2014

Newsletter Update 10

Newsletter Update 10

Sidewalk By-Law


- Place Royale Board of Directors have been negotiating with the City of Mississauga since November of last year to build a sidewalk from Arista Way to the front of our building
- We are now in the final stages of closing the agreement with the City
- The City will build the sidewalk
- The City will maintain the sidewalk during the winter
- The sidewalk will belong to the City of Mississauga
- This is at no cost to PCC 239


- Make sure you pick up your package at Security or the Management Office
- Unit Owners who don't reside at Place Royale will receive their packages by Mail



- We require 188 proxies to pass a By-Law to hand over the small piece of land at the front of the building so that the City can build the sidewalk

By-Law Meeting

- A By-Law Meeting will be held on September 25th 2014 in the Library at 7:00pm. This is a formality and would be for a very short time

Drop off proxies at Security and Management Office

- Please drop off your proxies at Security or the Management Office
- We would like to have all proxies by September 18th 2014, 7:00pm

We are very eager to get the sidewalk built as this is a safety issue for everyone in the building. Thank you for your continued support. Place Royal Board of Director will also be meeting with residents to get proxies signed.